Topic of the master class, which took place at Tashkent branch on January 22, 2020.
Master class of head of scientific and consulting center “E-LINE PRESS” LLC, certified trainer – Pazilova N.А. on the topic: “Information support of scientific research” aroused a great interest from the faculty of the Branch.
Scientists and experts of the departments of Tashkent Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, regularly publish and post their articles, both in domestic and foreign scientific publications.
During the master class, the following issues were considered:
- Preparation and publication of articles in scientific journals from the list of SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE, RSCI
- Electronic information resources of world’s leading publishing houses for scientific research (ProQuest, Springer Nature, EBSCO, etc.).
Young scientists, applicants and all interested persons were invited to the event, who asked questions about practical component of the work of scientometric systems – databases, which are a tool for tracking citation of scientific publications, as well as the formation of statistical indicators characterizing state and dynamics of demand, activity and indices the influence of activities of individual scientists and research organizations.