Zulfia’s Poetry in the Branch

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Musical and poetic evening dedicated to the work of Uzbek poetess Zulfiya was held at the Branch.

1st – 3rd year students, activists of Youth Union and “Linguist” student scientific club with the assistance of Information and Resource Center of Tashkent Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics actively participated in the preparation of the event.

In the conference hall of Branch there gathered leadership of the Branch, faculty and students, main organizers and participants of the poetry evening. The verses of great poetess were recited by the students themselves, some from memory, others from collections from library fund of the university. As part of the evening of Zulfia’s poetry, students learned a lot of interesting things about life and work of poetess, her poems sounded in Uzbek and Russian. Students of State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan specially invited to the event performed national songs – vocal and instrumental suites and choreographic compositions.

Poetry evening is a continuation of whole cycle of cultural and educational events dedicated to the work of famous poets and writers, which are regularly held in our university. The events are organized as part of joint project with State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, which is aimed at widely promoting interest among students in literature, music and theater.

Organized literary evening “Pages of Life”, dedicated to the memory of Zulfiya, aroused great interest in the work of poetess. Video presentation entitled “Creative Milestones of Poetic Fate” and “Zulfiyakhonim – great heritage of Uzbek people!”, telling about her life and work, was offered to those present.

Lyrics of Zulfiya, full of nobility, courageous, truly folk pathos, sincere sense of love and respect for nature and man, wealth of colors and unexpectedly fresh images, excite reader’s soul, strengthen faith in the future of mankind. Creativity Zulfiya, of course, affected souls and hearts of young readers – students, because in history of Uzbek poetry, her name will always occupy special worthy place.

At the end of the event, all students participating in literary and poetic evening, as well as active participants in joint project with State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, were awarded letters of appreciation on behalf of head of Tashkent Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, academician of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdurakhmanov K.Kh. for active participation in joint youth spiritual and educational project aimed at introducing students to music, literature and art.