In “REU # COWORKING” center there discuss serious issues

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On February 19, 2020 head of the Department of Atomic Energy and Nuclear Technologies of Uzatom Agency Kasym Tokhtakhunov held a workshop on the topic: “Nuclear power – evolutionary stage in the development of energy system of Uzbekistan” for 1st year students of Tashkent Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

As you know, with dynamic development of economy and industry, need for a stable supply of electric energy to the population and sectors of the economy is growing. In this regard, in 2018, country decided to build first nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the Decree of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 18 No. UP-5484 “On measures for the development of nuclear energy in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, Uzatom Agency in order to ensure transparency and openness in the matter of building first nuclear power plant in the republic, explaining advantages and level of safety Modern 3+ generation NPPs conduct training seminars at Atomic Agency Information Center for Atomic Technologies.

As part of this work in “REU # COWORKING” training center there organized a workshop.

The joint project of Atomic Information Center of Agency “Uzatom” and “REU # COWORKING” aims to familiarize and discuss issues and aspects related to the state and need to diversify the fuel and energy balance of the republic, importance of nuclear energy for the stable development of country’s economy and ensuring safety at modern nuclear power plants of the 3+ generation.

Students actively asked questions about the safety of nuclear plant, which they plan to build in Uzbekistan. Students were also interested in such questions: “Why should nuclear energy be developed?”, “What are the advantages of nuclear power plants?”, “What technologies are used in nuclear power plants?”, “Who will be the partner in the construction of nuclear power plants in Uzbekistan” and others.

Head of the Department of Atomic Energy and Nuclear Technologies of Uzatom Agency Kasym Tokhtakhunov gave detailed and comprehensive answers to all these questions.