Workshop in the Branch

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On October 4, 2019 at Tashkent branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics there held a seminar on the topic “International experience and practice of tax audits”, organized jointly with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The seminar was attended by the representatives of International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sultanov D.Sh. was moderator of the seminar. Khaled El Korek, an expert at World Bank, and Bruce Quigley, an expert at International Monetary Fund for Tax Administration, made reports on major reforms in the tax system.

Seminar was attended by the faculty of the Branch, representatives of manufacturing enterprises, tax authorities, audit companies.

The main topic of discussion was introduction of new approaches to tax administration, according to the draft Tax Code, main principles of risk analysis and segmentation. Backtracking from undergoing inspections, increasing transparency of tax administration and quality of work of audit companies have become main topics of discussion of draft documents with representatives of international financial institutions.

Holding third seminar at Tashkent branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics has become a good tradition in the development of integration relations of production-science-education in the framework of ‘Finance and Credit’ scientific school of the Branch.