Presentation of scientific clubs

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For 1st year students, presentations of student scientific clubs of 2 departments of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent were organized.

The Faculty of Digital Economy and Finance organized a large-scale presentation of student scientific clubs operating in the Branch.

During the event, 1st year students learned with great interest that specialized scientific circles have been created and are successfully functioning at the departments of the faculty.

The activity of scientific clubs is aimed at developing students’ interest in scientific work, promoting in-depth study and mastering by students of disciplines of departments, the methodology and skills of conducting independent scientific research.

Presentations were held in each academic group of 1st year students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent. Experienced teachers, heads of student scientific clubs “Humanities” and “Linguist” (department of “Foreign languages ​​and humanitarian disciplines”), “Financier” (department of “Finance and Credit”) told students about the activities, main goals and tasks carried out within the framework of the clubs.