Master class of the Branch graduates

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On November 11, on “Day of an Economist” the Faculty of Digital Economy and Finance, together with the “Finance and Credit” department organized a master class for the students of the first grade in Tashkent Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Usmanov Sherzod, a graduate of the Branch and currently a chief specialist of the Department of Business Analytics, an analyst on financial markets at JSCB “Uzpromstroybank” made a speech on the topic “Gold market and foreign exchange reserves”.

The speaker narrated about the current trends and conjuncture of the securities market, foreign exchange market and gold market, the impact of gold prices, on the size and dynamics of changes in the gold and foreign exchange reserves of Uzbekistan in an interesting and accessible form for the students.

There used practical examples to discuss the issues of market volatility, the relationship of their development with important political and economic events in the world. The speaker introduced the students to their own developments and analytical forecasts as well.